Powershell Piped Parameter Peculiarities (and a Palliative pattern!)

Writing some notes before sharing a PowerShell module, I did a quick fact check and rediscovered a hiccup with piped parameters and (eventually) remembered writing a simplified script to show the problem – 3 years ago as it turns out. The script appears below: it has four parameter sets and all it does is tell us which parameter set was selected: There are four parameters: A is in all 4 sets, B is in Sets 2,3 and 4, C is only in 3 and D is only in set 4. I’m not really a fan of parameter sets but they help intellisense to remove choices which don’t apply.

function test { 
param (  [parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeLine=$true)]
         [parameter(ParameterSetName="PS3", Mandatory)]
         [parameter(ParameterSetName="PS4", Mandatory)]

So lets check out what comes back for different parameter combinations
> test 1
No parameters or parameter A only gives the default parameter set. Without parameter C or D it can’t be set 3 or 4, and with no parameter B it isn’t set 2 either.

> test 1 -b 2
Parameters A & B or parameter B only gives parameter set 2, – having parameter B it must be set 2,3 or 4 and but 3 & 4 can be eliminated because C and D are missing.

> test 1 -b 2 –c 3
Parameter C means it must be set 3 (and D means it must be set 4) ; so lets try piping the input for parameter A

> 1 | test
> 1 | test -b 2 -c 3

So far it’s as we’d expect. But then something goes wrong.
1 | test -b 2
Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters

Eh ? If data is being piped in, PowerShell no longer infers a parameter set from the absent mandatory parameters. Which seems like a bug. And I thought about it: why would piping something change what you can infer about a parameter not being on the command line? Could it be uncertainty whether values could come from properties the piped object ? I thought I’d try this hunch

  [parameter(ParameterSetName="PS3", Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
  [parameter(ParameterSetName="PS4", Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]

This does the trick – though I don’t have a convincing reason why two places not providing the values works better than one – (in fact that initial hunch doesn’t seem to stand up to logic). This (mostly) solves the problem– there could be some odd results if parameter D was named “length” or “path” or anything else commonly used as a property name. I also found in the “real” function that adding ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName to too many parameters – non mandatory ones – caused PowerShell to think a set had been selected and then complain that one of the mandatory values was missing from the piped object. So just adding it to every parameter isn’t the answer.

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