PowerShell Numbers and .NET Cultures

After multiple false-starts on an all-in-one guide to how PowerShell translates what we type into numbers or dates, and how it translates them back into something we can read, I’ve decided to split the content up, so this is the first part of three.

Starting with something well known: we can just write a decimal number and PowerShell processes it as a “numeric literal” when doing that makes sense. For example:

    ps > $x = 2 + 2 ; $x ; $x.GetType()
    IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType 
    -------- -------- ----                                     --------        
    True     True     Int32                                    System.ValueType

Here, PowerShell sees “2” and decides it looks like an integer, so defaults it to the [int32] type, it sees the + operator and a second “2” and decides it is adding two [Int32] objects. The result is another [int32] with a value of 4.

From the start, Windows PowerShell had Type-Accelerators: [int] corresponding to [system.int32] - a 32 bit, signed, integer - and [long] for [system.int64]; [bigint] wasn’t there initially but is supported in 5.1. PowerShell Core (6) added a lot more, including [short] for [system.int16] and unsigned variations.
If PowerShell sees a floating point number it treats it as a [system.double] and there is another long-established type accelerator, [float] for single precision floating point.

There is more intelligence: “2/2” returns an int32 but “2/3” returns a double; and if something needs a specific type PowerShell usually converts automatically.
On rare occasions we need to say “Don’t make 2 an int32”, and all versions of PowerShell have been able to tag a number with a suffix: “L” says “make this a long integer”, and “D” says make it a decimal, so:

    ps > (25d + 25).GetType()

    IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
    -------- -------- ----                                     --------
    True     True     Decimal                                  System.ValueType 

Having been told one of the values is a decimal, the result is also a decimal.

All versions have also supported KB, MB, GB, TB suffixes which multiply by 210, 220, 230 and 240 (we’ll leave aside arguments whether these should be powers of 10 or powers of 2.) 2dGB is the 2 as a decimal multiplied by 230, but 2GBd isn’t valid.
The help topic about_numeric_literals has the complete information on the type accelerators, prefixes and suffixes.

Hex, Binary and Octal numbers

Everything so far has assumed that input and output are expressed in base 10: 25 becomes the 8 bits 00011001 (padded out to 32 bits); when those bits are converted back for output they are known to represent an integer (not, say, a character) and in decimal notation that integer is written “25”. We can prefix a number with 0x to say it is a hexadecimal number; 0x25 is 37 in decimal, and 0x19 is decimal 25. We can also provide a number in binary with 0b as a prefix, so 0b111101101 is 493 in decimal. This might seem a odd but, for example, converting a unix file mode we might want to turn something into binary and then into a number.

    ps> [int]("0b"  + ("rwxr-xr-x" -replace "-","0" -replace "[^0]","1" ))

To output as hex we can use one of .NET’s standard formatting strings - we’ll see these in more detail shortly - X with an optional number of digits says “render this in hex notation”.

    PS > (25).ToString("x4")

And the [convert] class - which we will also see more of - can do other bases: [convert]::ToString(25,16) says use base 16 and returns 19 That unix file mode wouldn’t be expressed as the decimal number 493, nor as the hex 01ed, but as octal, and convert can be told to use base 8:

    PS > [convert]::ToString(493,8)

This is the form used in unix commands like chmod. No discussion of octal would be complete without a nod to the joke about programmers muddling up Christmas day and Halloween:

    ps> $x = 25 ; "Dec $x = Oct $([convert]::ToString($x,8))"
    Dec 25 = Oct 31

Only certain numbers are valid as the base: 2 for binary, 8 for octal, 10 for decimal and 16 for hexadecimal - you can’t multiply six by nine and render the answer in base 13.

Separated by different cultures

For binary, hex, and basic integers there are no punctuation marks between the digits. English speaking countries generally use “.” for the decimal point in floating point numbers, but it is written as “,” in other places. The job of cultures in .NET is to specify such things, living in England I have my culture set like this:

    ps > Get-Culture
    LCID             Name             DisplayName
    ----             ----             -----------
    2057             en-GB            English (United Kingdom)

Culture names are a language code (en in this case) and a country code (and for now we’ll ignore the subtle distinction between “Great Britain” and “United Kingdom”); in the culture object’s NumberFormat we can see how currency values are written - for example comparing my default (en-GB) settings with what they do in France (fr-FR) (Just as there are multiple cultures with the English language, French-Canada and French-Switzerland exist with different currencies.)

    ps > (get-culture).NumberFormat | ft currency* 
    Currency      Currency         Currency   Currency       Currency  Currency        Currency  
    DecimalDigits DecimalSeparator GroupSizes GroupSeparator Symbol    NegativePattern PositivePattern
    ------------- ---------------- ---------- -------------- --------  --------------- ---------------
                2                .        {3}              ,        £                1               0
    ps > (get-culture fr-FR).NumberFormat | ft currency*
    Currency      Currency         Currency   Currency       Currency  Currency        Currency  
    DecimalDigits DecimalSeparator GroupSizes GroupSeparator Symbol    NegativePattern PositivePattern
    ------------- ---------------- ---------- -------------- --------  --------------- ---------------
                2                ,       {3}                        €                8               3

Where a sum of money in Britain might be written £1,234.56, in France it would be 1 234,56 €. It’s impossible to see above, but the group separator (“,” in GB) is a space in France, and the positive and negative patterns say where the symbols go (before or after the number).

The differences in separators means that some cultures use 123,456 for a large integer, and in others that would be the way to write a floating point number 1/1000th of the size.
I could use the PowerShell command Set-culture fr-FR and start a fresh PowerShell session, but to avoid switching everything into French it’s possible to change the culture for the current thread only, and see what happens when we try to convert that string to a number in that culture:

    ps> [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = Get-Culture fr-FR
    ps> (Get-Culture).DisplayName
    French (France)
    ps> [double]"123,456"   
    ps > ([double]"123,456").ToString("C2")
    123 456,00 €

    ps> ([double]"123 456,00")
    InvalidArgument: Cannot convert value "123 456,00" to type "System.Double".
    Error: "Input string was not in a correct format."

Does one input always give the same output?

There is a concept of invariant culture; that a program’s results for any given input(s) remain the same regardless of any change in culture. The example above shows that [double]"123,456" uses invariant culture and treats “,” as a thousand separator despite the culture saying “,” is the decimal point.
If we ask .ToString() to show us a number to 2 decimal places, local culture cuts in - so in the example above the French conventions are used for thousand and decimal separators.
The last step of the example shows that casting with [type] syntax needs strings to use the Invariant format. Parsing local format requires either the parse() static method of the double class or use of the [convert] class as follows:

    ps> (Get-Culture).DisplayName
    French (France)
    ps > [double]::parse("123 456,00")
    ps > [convert]::ToDouble("123 456,00")

But there is a trap. These two examples use the current culture, there is a risk of different results for the same inputs. When I change my machine’s culture back to English [double]::parse("123 456,00") will give an error. Both Convert() and Parse() allow the format provider to be specified, so for portability it is better to be explicit about the culture:

    ps > [double]::parse("123 456,00",[cultureinfo]::GetCultureInfo('fr-Fr'))
    ps > $French = Get-Culture fr-FR
    ps > [convert]::ToDouble("123 456,00",$french)

Whatever culture is currently selected the last two examples will treat the input as French. (You need to know that the input will be French-formatted, of course). I phrased the idea of invariant culture as the result being the same for the same input, if the result has been converted to a string for printing, the same result may be output in different ways.

Formatting codes available for numbers

Above I used .ToString("C2") for “Local currency, 2 places of decimals” and before that I used .ToString("x4") for “Hex, 4 digits” I hinted that there were several of these shorthands - the number part changes its meaning from one to another. The full set of things that can be written in a number formatting string are:

Code Explanation
. Replaced by the local decimal separator
, Replaced by the local thousand separator
# Digit if required
0 Pad with zeros if no digit present at this space
% Convert to percentage (i.e multiply by 100 and add the % sign)
C Currency (with optional number of decimal places)
D Digits, no decimals (with optional number of digits to left pad to)
E Exponent notation (with optional number of decimal places)
F Fixed decimals (with optional number decimal places, 2 by default)
G General number format (with optional number of digits before using exponent form)
N Number (with thousand separators, and optional number of decimal places)
P Percentage (with optional number of decimal places)
R Round trip - floating point numbers only

Formatting can be used instead of an arithmetic operation when displaying numbers: there is no need to use [math]::Round, or convert to an integer, you can format with 0 for “and no decimals” and the number will be rounded up or down as required. In the same way, if you want to show thousands or millions “#,###” is thousands with separators - and will repeat the comma every three digits. But you can omit the final group(s) of 3 digits by writing the comma(s) without the 0 or # place holders which would normally follow, the example below shaves off 4 such groups and adds literal text to indicate trillions - some literal text needs to be enclosed in quotes (single or double both work), but Tn won’t be mistaken for anything else.

    ps> (314159265358979).ToString("#,,,,Tn")

I said at the start there had been false starts to writing this and one was to publish a notebook as a gist: showing how each of the different formats processes different numbers.

PowerShell’s -f operator

In addition to their use in .ToString() these formatting codes can be used in the .Format() method of a .NET String, which in PowerShell is normally accessed through the -f operator; for example:

    ps> "{0:000} {0,-12:f} {0:x4} {0,10:c} " -f 22
    022 22.00        0016     £22.00

The first item inside each set of braces is the index of the item, 0 represents the first value after -f and it has been used four times in the example; ,10 says “right aligned padded to 10 spaces” and ,-12 says “Left aligned padded to 12 spaces, and :000, :f, :x4, and :c are the formatting strings. As you can see alignment and formatting can both be given, alignment must be written first.

That’s it for numbers, the next part will look at Date formats and conversions.

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